I promised all of my life
I'm never leaving you behind
You mean the world to me
And now you're gone
There's no tomorrow
If I could tell you one last time
You were the love of my life
I wanted nothing more
Turn out the light
I've lost my HERO
I walked the line, I can't retrace
Can't put a smile upon my face
I'll find the missing clue
To carry me right through tomorrow
But how could I have been so blind?
I could turn back the hands of time
I'll turn the world around
'Cause now I know the power to save them all
How could I have been so wrong?
Forgetting I was strong
A second chance to save her life
I'll change the world this one last time
I've found the might deep in my soul
Then I will never let you go
I've found my part here with mankind
Time to fly the speed of light
I promised all of my life
I'm never leaving you behind
You mean the world to me
So now I have to save tomorrow
And this is not the one last time
That you're the love of my life
I wanted nothing more
Turn on the light
I found my HERO
Sebelum tidur semalem, saya nemu lagu ini (*really love Monkey Majik for this*). Pas awal2 denger aja udah bikin mata saya berkaca2.. Sambil dengerin ini, saya minum2 gitu *bukan alkohol!*, minuman soda berkarbonasi, yang jarang saya minum. ( I am tea, juice and milk lovers).
Bagi saya yang gak begitu hobby minum soda2an, itu udah cukup bisa bikin saya susah tidur, jantung berdebar, tapi gak selevel sama coffee efek, yang sampe bisa bikin saya gak enak hati (gara2 detak jantung meningkat drastis), trus lambung perih *maag kumat. Kapok deh minum kopi klo badan g fit.
Nah, malemnya saya jadi mimpi sedih, ditinggalin orang, ngejar2 sampe nangis2. Terbangun krn mimpi buruk yang sedih dengan wajah mewek dan bercucuran airmata itu rasanya gak Oke banget.
Minuman bersoda tidak untuk diminum sebelum tidur, tidak direkomendasikan! Efeknya setara dengan mabuk klo buat saya (padahal gak pernah mabuk). Membuat ketakutan terdalam saya jadi mencuat, apalagi di saat2 begini yang sedang rentan stress dan dilema melanda.